3 Reasons You Are Losing Leads

You put a lot of time and effort into generating new leads, so when they fall through it can be incredibly frustrating. Instead of getting frustrated, take a look at why you might be losing leads. We’ve come up with 3 of the most common things that cause you to lose a lead, remedies for each of them.

1. You Don’t Respond Quickly

According to a study by Harvard Business Review, if you respond in more than 10 minutes there is a 400% decrease in lead qualification. Now, obviously you can’t respond to every single lead that quickly, but this highlights the importance of a prompt response. Don’t wait hours or days to follow up with a lead. Instead, use a real estate CRM like IXACT Contact. IXACT Contact allows you to send notifications of new leads to your email and smartphone, so you know instantly that someone is interested, and can respond appropriately. Even if you just send a quick email that says, “Thanks for reaching out! I will connect with you to provide more information within the next 24 hours,” you will be ahead of the game.

2. You Don’t Nurture Your Leads

Not every lead you get is going to want, or be able, to convert quickly. Does this mean you should just leave them be? Definitely not! Instead of leaving a lead to forget about who you are by not communicating with them for months, assign them to an email drip campaign. With IXACT Contact, we’ve pre-written many of these for you, so you just have to choose the one that best suits your lead and assign it to them. Now they’ll be receiving regular and relevant communication from you that will help to convert them when the time comes. And all with almost no extra work from you!

3. You Don’t Prove Your Expertise

You know you are a real estate guru, but how does a new lead discover that? It is important to demonstrate to new leads that you are knowledgeable and ready to take on any challenges they face. One great way to do this is to send out an e-Newsletter. This not only keeps you top of mind, but shows that you know and care about what your contacts are dealing with or worried about. With IXACT Contact, we provide an automated monthly e-Newsletter with fresh content that you can choose to customize, or send out as is. Another great way to demonstrate your know-how is to post relevant and useful content on your social media channels. IXACT Contact’s Social Stream is a great way to automate the sharing of top-tier content up to three times a day, seven days a week. Your leads will be seeing you as the expert you are, and you don’t have to spend hours making it happen!


Don’t lose the leads you’ve worked so hard to get in the first place. All it takes is a few simple changes to ensure that your new business is staying with you – and making your real estate business even more successful. With the help of IXACT Contact and our multiple tools for automation this is even easier. Start your FREE 5 week trial of IXACT Contact now.
