5 Quotes that Motivate you to Become the most Successful Real Estate Agent!


1. “If you’re trying to create a company, it’s like baking a cake. You have to have all the ingredients in the right proportion.” – Elon Musk, Tesla Motors

How do you expect to achieve success in your real estate career without having the proper foundation? This is where you have to make sure you have all of your “ingredients” prepared to build your career and turn it into a “delicious cake.” Hard work, dedication and networking can only get you so far, but you also need tools that help take your real estate career one step further. A trustworthy real estate contact management system is more than just an excel spreadsheet that you use to keep track of your prospects, current customers and past clients. This is a tool that acts as your personal assistant, ensuring you follow up, keep in touch, communicate, organize, and stay top of mind with your contacts. Ensuring that you do a little bit of everything whether it is sending out a birthday greeting, posting something on social media, responding to an email, or following up with a hot prospect will lead you to success. However, this can only be done with the appropriate building blocks. In this case, this comes in the form of a real estate CRM.


2. “Defeat is not the worst of failures. Not to have tried is the true failure.” – George Woodberry, Poet

This quote speaks for itself. How are you supposed to grow if you have never experienced failure or setbacks? This can definitely apply to your real estate career too. As a real estate agent, you are aware that the market is competitive. Taking risks and trying to stand out should not be something you fear, but instead, it should be something that excites you! To not try at all and just stick to what you think works is not going to get you anywhere. Try new things. Post a video on your Facebook, customize your monthly e-newsletter in a way that represents your unique character, attend community events or even post cool blogs! Whatever you do, don’t be afraid to go outside of your comfort zone and try something different!


3. “If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses.” 

 Henry Ford, Ford Motor Company

This is an interesting one. This involves taking initiative and creating something new. As a real estate agent, you may think, “how does this apply to my career?” You may have to dig a little deeper into this quote. No, you do not have to drop everything and go and invent something. However, this is about taking a new route. This could entail taking a new approach in communicating with your customers or even posting something eye-catching on social media. Take initiative and create something that helps you stand out in your community. This could even involve designing your agent website in a way that represents your personality, which allows you to connect more to your following.


4. “Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning.” – Bill Gates, Microsoft

This is an important quote. Your customers influence your success. If you don’t pay attention to your customers, they will not pay attention to you and will take their business elsewhere. As a result, you have to ensure that you follow up with your prospects and past customers. Email and texting are the highest forms of communication, so it is crucial you follow up on your emails. Responding to positive comments is just as important as responding to negative comments. An upset customer is a learning opportunity for you. Make sure you follow up with this customer and find out why your customer is unsatisfied.

5. “If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always gotten.”

– Tony Robbins, Businessman, Author, and Philanthropist

Again, this goes back to taking risks in your real estate career and making the changes necessary to grow. In other words, your success is also dependent on your ability to develop and learn from your mistakes. If you stay static, your career will be static and there will be no development. In order to see a change in your career, you need to make sure you make changes. For example, if you see that your leads are not getting back to you, use your real estate CRM to follow up. This can be difficult to do if you don’t have a proper real estate CRM that sends out automated reminders to your prospects. Remember, an excel spreadsheet will not do this for you. You want to do something different? Try using a system that helps elevate your career.

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