Optimize your Real Estate Career by Learning to Nurture Your Sphere of Influence

Without a doubt, this year has been a challenging one. Getting used to the new norm has tested everyone’s patience and mental health, but it seems that things took a different turn when it concerned the real estate market. As things headed towards a downward spiral for other industries, quite the opposite happened in the real estate industry. Potential homebuyers have placed more focus on the value of having and maintaining a home, especially when we have been forced to confine to one.

So, what’s next?

In this blog, we will show you how, as a real estate agent, you will be able to take advantage of these trends and optimize your real estate career. Hint- it has nothing to do with going door-to-door and getting your name out. Forget those old school methods. During these contactless times, its important to look at your sphere of influence and nurture what is already there.

Organize! Organize! Organize!

This has already been mentioned in several blogs, but we will keep repeating it again and again. You cannot nurture your sphere of influence without getting down to the nitty gritty. What does this entail? Getting yourself organized! Post-in notes, multiple excel spreadsheets, and notes on the back of business cards just won’t cut it anymore. If you really want to optimize your real estate career, you have to nurture your sphere of influence within one concrete database. A real estate CRM.

A CRM or a contact relationship management system, specifically an automated one, will help you stay in touch and nurture your already existing database of contacts. Long story short, you will be able to manage all communications and contact with your database quickly and effortlessly. Instead of having to remind yourself to call someone, your reminders and notes will all be stored in one centralized database. Birthday/move-in anniversary greetings, Christmas cards, and important reminders will be sent out on your behalf and AUTOMATICALLY! Learn more about getting organized here.

Stay on Top of Your Social Media

Again, this needs no introduction. Your social media is your lifeline. Want to optimize your real estate career? Social media is the way to go. Regardless of whether you are a new or seasoned agent, social media is really how you can put your name out there. But it’s not just simply a matter of creating social media accounts and never staying active on them. You have to be active and consistent.

Your best bet? Automate your social media posting. When you automatically have relevant posts on your social media, even just twice a week, you are already telling your sphere of influence that you are consistent and present. On top of that, once you are able to automatically capture your leads using your social media, you are in the best possible position! Find out how you can automate your social media posting so that you can optimize your real estate career!

Are you finding yourself overwhelmed and don’t know where to start? Try out a 5-week FREE Trial of our exclusive real estate CRM and marketing automation software, You’ll be able to get better organized and automate your social media marketing all with a few easy steps!

Create a Personalized Website

There is no reason for you not to have a website. Especially, when you are starting out. How do you increase your sphere of influence if you aren’t present online, especially during these unprecedented times? Your best bet is to create a website and make sure its clean and modern-looking.

However, as a real estate agent, you need to take a step further. The best type of website is one that features your listings, your info and even other features such as a blog. With the appropriate website features, you will be on the right path to optimizing your real estate career. Why? Because your sphere of influence will always be able to find you and be updated on your listings without having to rummage through their belongings to find your business card. Once everything is one centralized location, it is only smooth sailing for you. Find out how you can build your agent website quickly and easily!

Don’t Forget About Text Marketing

Everyone is using their phones nowadays, there is no doubt about that. Most of the time, people even prefer to text rather than place a call. That’s okay. You should be well equipped for that. The best way to take advantage of this is to strategically market yourself through text. While you should be taking advantage of email marketing, don’t forget that everyone in your sphere of influence, the group you want to target the most, is using their phones.

In fact, one of the best ways to optimize your real estate career is to be actively send out mass texts and target your sphere of influence. They’re most likely on their phones anyway and are likely to open your text message and respond if they are interested. Once they see your name plastered on their phone, that is already a step in the right direction. Learn how you can optimize your real estate career and nurture your sphere of influence with text marketing.

Key Takeaways

In this digital world, you need to adapt. Specifically, during a time when many day-to-day activities have shifted. And now is the best time to work on your real estate brand and nurture your sphere of influence. This way, your real estate career will soar to new heights!

Getting organized, staying active on social media, building and updating your website and text marketing are some of the most effective ways to adapting to this new era and optimizing your real estate career. If you are overwhelmed or anxious at the prospect of all of this, don’t worry, we are here to guide you on the right path. With IXACT Contact CRM, you will be able to be able to take advantage of all of these features and really delve into nurturing your sphere of influence!


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