Why Your E-Newsletter Must be Mobile Friendly

Young woman at cafe drinking coffee and using mobile phone

E-newsletters are one of the best ways for real estate agents to stay in touch with their contacts and generate referrals. But if your e-news isn’t mobile friendly, it’s time to find a new template design.

Mobile is now the primary marketing channel

In the past few years mobile has surpassed desktop usage. Mobile digital media time is now higher – at 51% – and emails opened on smart phones now make up over half of all emails opened. This increase in mobile email readership means that mobile friendly design is more crucial now than ever.

So what does mobile friendly mean anyway?

Using a mobile friendly or responsive email design means that your emails and e-news is readable and looks good on any device – smartphones, tablets or desktops. Responsive email design automatically adjusts your email content to the size of your recipient’s device. Mobile friendly e-news ensures that your contacts don’t have to zoom, scroll or pinch to read your content – a major barrier that will turn your contacts away within seconds of opening your email. While this is reason enough to ensure you’re using mobile friendly email designs, below are three more reasons why you need to ensure your email marketing is device friendly.

3 Reasons why your e-news template should be mobile-friendly

  1. Americans collectively check their phones upwards of 8 billion times per day

Reaching your clients on their devices is the best opportunity to capture their attention. According to Deloitte, people check their phones approximately 46 times per day. Many industries have adapted to being mobile friendly, which means that the design and content of your emails need to be effective enough to capture the attention of your clients so that you can break through the noise of their inbox.

  1. Your clients will delete your emails if they aren’t mobile friendly

Over 75% of people will delete emails if they aren’t optimized for the device they are reading them on. Every time your clients delete your email is one step closer to them unsubscribing. And, once a client unsubscribes, it is highly unlikely they will want to resubscribe to your emails. Don’t make this mistake and put your contact list at jeopardy. Deliver on what your clients expect, and give them content the way they want it.

  1. You stand out from the crowd when you’re mobile friendly

While mobile has surpassed desktop use, mobile friendly designs are still new to the market, especially in real estate. Agents can stand out from the crowd and get more clicks by using a mobile friendly e-newsletter, like IXACT Contact’s new mobile friendly e-newsletter. IXACT Contact is the only real estate CRM that has a responsive newsletter that is fully automated and customizable. With pre-loaded articles that are professionally designed and easy to read on mobile devices, IXACT Contact’s e-newsletter helps agents stand out and deliver content that their clients value.

Mobile friendly design results in more clicks

Over the past few years mobile click through rates have been increasing, while desktop click through rates have been declining, and at this point, it’s obvious that if you aren’t using a mobile friendly e-Newsletter template, your contacts are unlikely to click on your content. E-Newsletters can help agents build brand credibility by delivering engaging and relevant content to their contacts – brining them one step closer to acting on a “call to action.” All of your content should guide your contacts on what to do next, and this is one of the best ways to motivate your clients to take the next step you’re hoping they will take with you.

E-news is one of the best ways for agents to build their brand and grow their business

Despite the high rate of mobile users, there are still many real estate agents that aren’t taking advantage of mobile friendly templates. E-news is one of the best ways to generate new leads, stay connected with your growing clientele, and remain top of mind with long-term clients.

Through a real estate CRM like, IXACT Contact, agents can deliver professionally designed and written content that is fully automated, responsive and customizable every month to their clients. It’s as easy as “set it and forget it.” Check out a sample e-newsletter from IXACT Contact to see what you could be delivering to your clients every month.

Start realizing the benefits of IXACT Contact’s new mobile friendly e-Newsletter 2.0 today.

Start your FREE 5 week free trial of IXACT Contact now.

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