5 Secrets to More Real Estate Listings

UntitledFor many agents, getting more real estate listings is the number one thought on their mind. Competition is increasing, and time seems to be a constant challenge! That’s why I’m pleased to share these key secrets to getting more real estate listings with you. The tips were prepared by Dr Maya Baily and first appeared on REM. I think there is something here that can help inspire any real estate agent, helping you achieve your best year yet!

Step 1 – Replace self-limiting beliefs with empowered ones.

If you’re feeling all stuck in your business or if there’s a gap between where you are now and where you want to be, the reason is that you are carrying around some inner blocks. We all have them. In the course of your conditioning you learned to doubt yourself and this lowered your self-confidence.

Here’s what you need to know for yourself: All the patterns you see in yourself, your business and in your life like procrastination, disorganization and avoidance of prospecting, are all results of the self-limiting beliefs in your subconscious mind.

For example when it comes to beliefs about yourself, most people have these:

  • I’m not good enough
  • I’m not smart enough
  • I have to be perfect to be okay.

You may not feel these on a conscious level. If you do feel them on a conscious level, you may not feel them 100 per cent of the time. In fact you may only feel them one per cent of the time, but they are still affecting you.

How much do you resonate with the beliefs that I just mentioned?

An example of some empowered beliefs you can replace these with are:

  • I am more than good enough
  • The only person’s approval I need is my own
  • It’s now safe for me to be highly visible.

Your beliefs create your reality. Therefore, if you believe that success is going to be very hard, then you will create a life in which you’ll have to struggle a lot to be successful.  Your subconscious mind is holding you back from prospecting to protect you, because it has all these self-limiting beliefs.

The good news is these beliefs are not facts and they can be changed.

Step 2 – See yourself as the “giver”.

When you are prospecting, you are the “giver”. Install this empowered belief: “I have a valuable service to offer and people are lucky to hear from me.”

Also install this one: “There is no such thing as rejection. It is a match or it’s not a match.”

Step 3 – Be proactive in prospecting.

It’s so important in today’s market to be proactive in prospecting. It doesn’t work to just wait for the phone to ring.

Always call your past clients with a purpose. Let your past clients know that you are a good referral source for reliable independent contractors such as plumbers, electricians and handymen. Just let them know that if they need someone, they can contact you and you’ll be happy to match them up with somebody who is appropriate for their needs.

They will appreciate your offer. You’ve put yourself in their stream of consciousness. Every time they think of real estate your name pops up.

Step 4 – Get testimonials from current clients.

Don’t forget that current clients who are praising you for your service become a great referral source for you. Here’s what you can do: the next time they start raving about you and telling you how great you are, start writing down what they are saying. Ask them to elaborate and ask them to be specific. You will probably end up with a paragraph of valuable statements.

Ask them if it’s okay if you use this endorsement, then send this to them for their approval. If they approve, tell them that you would like to be able to use this testimonial for your portfolio. Reassure them that you will be not be giving away their name, you will just use initials.

These portfolio testimonials can be so valuable to you in so many different ways. Yet most real estate professionals fail to do this important step. Use these testimonials in your portfolio, brochure and website.

Step 5 – Project optimism.

Go into every conversation with a prospective client with optimism and enthusiasm. This is the time to bring them the good news they been waiting for. Good news for buyers because interest rates are still low and good news for sellers because of the number of buyers who are still interested.

Take advantage of the market and use these secrets to get your listings now.


Did any of these 5 tips resonate with you? A positive attitude and solid relationship with current and past clients can work wonders for your real estate career.

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