3 Simple Ways to Improve Your Referability in Real Estate

If you do the right things in your business, you will steadily attract more and more referrals from past clients and other sources. That’s what referral and repeat marketing is all about.

But imagine if there were some simple things you could do – things that take hardly any time at all and cost you nothing – that would make referral and repeat marketing work even faster and better for you?

Well, there are! According to Dan Sullivan, author of Learning How To Avoid The Gap, there are three key behaviors that are certain to improve your “referability.” And, these habits are all easy to incorporate into your day-to-day dealings with prospects and clients.

1. Be on time.

You may be on time for meetings, but are you late for other things? Do you return phone calls and emails when you say you will? To be a referable agent, you must demonstrate your reliability continuously. Don’t leave clients waiting for a phone call that never comes.

2. Do what you say.

Did you promise to send a client list of potential new homes? Were you asked to recommend a landscape contractor? Clients get annoyed at professionals who say they’ll do something but don’t. Keep your promises. If you say you’ll do something – do it.

3. Say “Please” and “Thank you”

Some of the most valuable lessons in life are learned in kindergarten. Asking for permission (“Please”) and showing your appreciation (“Thank you”) are the building blocks of successful relationships. If you want to build client loyalty, being polite is the easiest way to do it – and being rude is the fastest way to destroy it.

Are the behaviors above overly simplistic? Yes, they are. But it’s remarkable how few Agents practice them.

A good contact and activity management system such as IXACT Contact can make it easier to turn these behaviors into habits. The Calendar, Tasks List and Keep in Touch functionality helps you be on time for appointments, keep your commitments, and send those Thank you Notes that are so important. Never underestrimate the value of a good real estate CRM. Sign up for a free 5-week trial here.

Takeaway point: You’ll attract more referrals by being on time, doing what you say you’ll do, and being polite.
