3 Fast Solutions for More Money this Month

How would you like to make more money in the next 30 days? How would you like to make more home sales this month?  Real estate coach and IXACT Contact partner Bruce Keith is here to show you how to do it in this short video. Check it out.

Here’s the solution. Do what you FEAR. Here’s how this works…if you’re avoiding doing certain things, I’ll guarantee you the bulk of the competition in your marketplace is avoiding doing exactly the same things. So when you step up to the plate…it gives you a big advantage (& this will = more $$$).

Let me give you three fast examples that most people are afraid to do enough of, and in doing so, they lose business. Let’s turn that around for you.

#1. Get comfortable tackling the fear of asking for referrals, “Well, Bruce, I don’t want to be pushy. I don’t want to be too salesy.” Here’s the best part…You don’t have to be pushy or salesy. They expect you to ask. Just ask for referrals in a very comfortable way.

For example, “As you know, I’m always looking for more people to help in real estate. So I was wondering, who do you know that needs my help to buy or sell a home this year?” That’s it. No big deal. It can be very conversational.

#2. Second item that people are afraid to step up to is their listing presentation. When’s the last time you upgraded your listing presentation? You really should be looking at revising and enhancing your listing presentation every six months.

So pull it out, go through it and clean out all the clutter. Make it relaxed, engaging, and full of added-value for the Seller. Show them why you’re different, show them why you’re better, and show them how you can really make a difference.

#3. Get good at “saying NO”. In this marketplace, with such a short inventory, with so many buyers and not enough houses, there’s a huge risk of spending a lot of time working with buyers we shouldn’t be working with. We spend a lot of time with ‘time vampires’.

It’s not their fault that there aren’t enough houses. At the same time, you don’t have to be spending all that time with them. Go after listings. Start saying “no” when you discover you’re wasting time. In other words, you see the lake behind me? Don’t be fishing in a lake where there’s no fish.

So there’s your 3 ideas. Do what you fear. Now what you fear may not be these 3 things. You may have other things. Regardless, pick them out and start doing them. You’ll make way more money by tackling them head on.

Put these steps into action with a powerful real estate CRM. IXACT Contact can help you get better organized, keep in touch, and stay top of mind. With pre-written Activity Plans and keep in touch reminders, it will be easier than ever to dive in and conquer your fears – and make more sales! Start your 5 week free trial today!
