The new year is the perfect time to wipe the slate clean and start over. If you felt like 2019 left you feeling overwhelmed, disorganized and flustered, then the new year is a good opportunity to get everything together and start fresh. A good way to get started is by acquiring the necessary tools to get everything straight. Here’s a short list of how you can get back on track and make sure you start the year off right:
1. Organize your Contacts. Plain and Simple.
Your contacts are scattered all over your excel spreadsheet and you just don’t have everything in order. That’s okay. It’s never too late to get organized. A real estate CRM will actually help you organize your contacts, whether that means sorting out your Hot Prospects or Past Clients. It will also provide you with a snapshot of how many contacts you have in each category.
2. Create e-mail Campaigns Accordingly.
Once you’ve assigned your contacts to categories and have everything organized, you can actually start creating plans to reach and follow up with your contacts. Now that you have a clear picture of your hot prospects, past clients, current clients and even unassigned contacts in your real estate CRM, you know exactly how to follow up with them and how frequently you should be communicating with them. Assigning a customizable email drip campaign to your prospects is the easiest way to keep in touch. Your automated real estate CRM will do this for you, leaving you to focus on other tasks.
3. Send out a Monthly e-Newsletter.
Even if you don’t seem to have alot of real estate business right away, it is always good to keep in touch with all of your contacts, monthly. You can do this with a monthly e-newsletter, which you can customize based on what you feel your contacts would like to hear about. Doing a monthly update or check-in with your contacts is the best way to stay in touch, without bombarding them with emails that they may unsubscribe to.
4. Download a Mobile Version of your Real Estate CRM.
Your real estate CRM is your bread and butter because it is the tool that will help you stay organized this year, keep in touch and connected. Having an accessible mobile app of your real estate CRM readily available on your smartphone will help you tremendously. Nowadays, many of us are on the go, and chances are, alot of your real estate business will get done outside of the office or home. Having a mobile app will be like taking your personal assistant with you everywhere, helping you stay on top of your business.
Key Takeaways
Make 2020 your year. Stay organized, connected and on top of your business with the right tools by your side. With a real estate CRM that acts as your personal assistant, you will be able to take on this year with full force. By using your CRM to categorize, email and even stay in touch with your contacts and real estate business outside of your desktop/laptop, you will start the year off on the right foot.
Still don’t believe us? Try out a 5-Week Free Trial of IXACT Contact Real Estate CRM today!