How Real Estate Success Stories Will Help You Win More Clients

How Success Stories Will Help You Convert Your Real Estate Leads into ClientsToday we’re going to share with you how to use success stories to help turn your real estate leads into clients. We’ll talk about what “success stories” are, below, and how you can properly use them.

Remember to capture all of your new leads in your CRM for Agents and assign them to the appropriate drip marketing campaign. Also be sure to use your CRM for Agents to keep track of your communication history with each of your leads.

The Power of Success Stories in Real Estate

Stories are easier to remember, and often have much more impact, than facts and figures.

Let’s say, for example, that you’re talking with a salesperson from a lawn care company. He provides you with a compelling recitation of his company’s program, from the environmentally friendly fertilizers they use to the number of treatments your lawn receives each year.

It’s a good presentation. But you’re still not convinced. After all, there is no shortage of lawncare companies to choose from!

Then he says, “Your neighbor around the corner had a similar problem with his front lawn. He was skeptical, but he decided to try our service for just one season. In less than two months his lawn was so noticeably greener than his neighbors thought he had the house painted, too! His entire property looked better.”

That’s the power of a success story. It ignites the imagination — letting us “see” the benefits.

Preparing Yourself

Many Agents are good at explaining their track records and how the buying and selling process works. However, most don’t use success stories nearly as often as they should.

You should have at least ten success stories ready to use when the need arises. For example, you might have one story for dealing with clients who want to price their houses too high, another story dramatizing the importance of staging, and so forth.

How do you build your repertoire of success stories? The best way is to write them down as soon as they happen. Don’t rely on your memory. Get your success stories down on paper.

If you can get permission to use a client’s name, that’s ideal. But it’s not necessary. Using an alias is fine.

And never embellish a success story. Clients, in general, have an extraordinary ability to discern reality from fiction. So keep it real.

Takeaway Point: Write down your most compelling success stories so that you’ll be able to share them with real estate leads and clients.

Do you currently use success stories? Please leave a comment below!
