Real Estate Contact Management 101: The Most Important Five Minutes of Your Day

Spend your time wisely if you want to master real estate contact management and get more referralsWhat are the most important five minutes of your day? Is it promptly returning a client’s phone call? Sending out a real estate marketing email? Following up on a hot new real estate lead or referral?

Of course, all these activities are important because they are directly related to building your business, income and future.

But there is another activity that some Agents don’t take as seriously. That’s unfortunate because it is just as vital to building a solid business as all the others — perhaps even more.

Let us give you a clue. The activity is real estate contact management related.

It’s updating your IXACT Contact real estate CRM database.

Real estate contact management database maintenance

Generating an ever-increasing flow of repeat business, real estate leads, and referrals requires you to maintain complete and accurate contact records.

Without that, you can’t do all the things you need to do to build loyalty amongst your past clients and business-to-business referral sources.

Things change fast. People get married, get new jobs, explore new interests – the list goes on and on. You probably learn of these changes every day in your normal routine of staying in touch.

But if you don’t record this new information in your real estate contact management database, you can’t use it.

Fortunately, it’s relatively easy to keep your real estate contact management database up-to-date.

All you have to do is commit to taking just five minutes each day — perhaps during lunch or between meetings — to put anything new you have learned about your past clients and referral sources into your real estate CRM.

By keeping your real estate contact management system/ database current, you’ll be able to communicate with your contacts more effectively and on a deeper level. As a result, they will be more likely to see you as their trusted professional; their “go to” Agent.

And when that happens, your referral and repeat business grows too.

Takeaway point: There are a lot of important things you do each day to build your business. Updating your real estate contact management database is one of them.

If you’re not using IXACT Contact already and are serious about effective contact management and real estate marketing, sign up for your FREE 5 week trial here!

What have you found to be the best way to build or maintain your database?

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