The 5 Real Estate Apps Every Agent Should Be Using

In this day and age, it is not hard to be addicted to your phone. Real estate agents are always on the go, therefore, making their mobile devices crucial to the way they run their business. While you probably have your go-to apps that help you get through your day, there are a few real […]

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Avoid 3 Critical Real Estate Relationship Building Mistakes

Relationships are key to any successful real estate business. While you know you need to take the time to build a report with every client, putting that truth into practice isn’t always so easy. Agents have busy, hectic schedules and are often juggling multiple buyers and sellers at once. They also have to constantly consider […]

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6 Tips to Building Relationships and Getting More Sales in Real Estate

Below is a re-blog from IXACT Contact affiliate, real estate trainer, and author of Sell With Soul, Jennifer Allan-Hagedorn. Note that your IXACT Contact real estate contact management software is essential to managing your “keep in touch” activities with your sphere of influence (SOI) and ensuring that you build long-lasting relationships over time. Enjoy the […]

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