4 Myths About Real Estate Contact Management

You may have heard some rumors floating around about real estate contact management. Maybe some of what you’ve heard is contradictory or confusing and you aren’t sure what to believe. Either way, there are certain myths about real estate contact management that need to be cleared up. We’re here to do just that. Let’s start: […]

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5 Real Estate Branding Ideas for 2020

If you’re like the many other real estate professionals we communicate with regularly, you’re responsible for everything from your lead generation to marketing to paperwork and more.  In other words, you are the ultimate one-man/one-woman show. As an entrepreneur you aren’t just part of a brand; you ARE your brand and that means balancing a […]

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Join us for our First Ever Social Stream Webinar!

There’s no doubt about it. Social media, in this day and age, is at the epicenter of everything. However, social media may be a tricky thing to master, especially in the real estate industry. As a real estate agent, you may sometimes ponder the question: how often should I be posting? If I post, what […]

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5 Real Estate Problems That Are All Too True

It’s almost a prerequisite to have a good sense of humor in an environment that is so unpredictable and has you working with folks from all walks of life. Let’s take a look on the lighter side at some of the things you would see circulating online under #RealEstateProblems – things that only real estate […]

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What House Hunters Gets Right About Working in Real Estate (And What it Gets Wrong)

One of the things I love about Agents is how passionate they are about the real estate industry. I know lots of Agents who come home to watch some beloved HGTV after working a long day of home-related tasks. If you’re anything like me, one of your must-see TV picks is House Hunters. The engaging […]

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Why is it hard to stand out? How An Agent Can Break the Mold

stand out

Dr. Seuss once said, “Why fit in when you were born to stand out?”  And this heartwarming advice certainly applies to real estate agents!  In a sea of agents all working to get the next listing, catching your prospect’s eye can be a challenge.  Let’s explore some tried and true methods for standing out from the […]

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