Finding Your Niche in Real Estate

Members of niche markets tend to be passionate about their specific interests, values, and hobbies. As a result, they’re more likely to talk about those interests – and your brand – with people they know, resulting in social network shares, conversations, and other word of mouth “advertising” that makes your brand seen and heard.  Become […]

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Setting You Up For Social Media Success

Did you know that 65% of home buyers say they are influenced by a friend’s homebuying posts on Facebook or Instagram? Social media has a huge impact on our day-to-day lives both personally and professionally. As a marketing tool, social media gives you a simple outlet for promoting your brand and your business.  80/20 Rule […]

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Which Marketing System Is Right For You?

Being in such a competitive industry, we always want to be the best, do our best, and prove we are the best.  With many tools available to help with these accomplishments, how do you narrow down the choices? While your main priority is to be out in the field relationship building and getting your business […]

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How To Get More Business From Your Database?

If you are a real estate agent then you have a contact list, but oftentimes you don’t know how to leverage that contact list. Your contact list contains all your past clients, prospects, and current clients. Maybe you have the contact list on Google or Outlook, but you have no idea what to do with […]

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How to leverage IXACT Contact’s success system to become the top real estate agent in 2022

You might wonder what is a success system and why would I need it? Read on to find out the answer. A well-organized database is a steppingstone in building relationships and getting contacts to “know, like and trust you”. It is equally important for capturing and following up on leads. That is why IXACT Contact […]

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