4 Top Real Estate Marketing Ideas

real estate contact management

If you’re looking for some great real estate marketing ideas, you’ve come to the right place! In this post I’m going to outline four of my top ideas for promoting yourself and your business, staying top of mind, and establishing trust and credibility with your real estate sphere of influence (SOI). #1: Create a monthly […]

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Build Lifelong Relationships in Real Estate by Getting Personal

Many agents already know that it takes less time and money to retain existing clients than to acquire new ones. What a lot of Agents don’t know is how to keep good clients after the transaction is complete. Well, with a great real estate contact management software and some best practices in mind, it’s pretty […]

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5 Great Alternatives to Real Estate Marketing Postcards

realtor postcard alternatives

Check out these amazing alternatives to real estate marketing postcards that are all super quick and easy to implement into your business with a good CRM for Agents. 1. Real estate Drip drip marketing campaigns Drip marketing campaigns help you automate some of your keep in touch work. A great real estate CRM will come […]

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4 Reasons Why Your Real Estate Leads Are Falling Through the Cracks

You likely work hard to generate real estate leads for your business. But once you get the leads, are you doing everything you can to maximize the chance that they convert into clients? If you’re not making the most of every lead and letting some fall through the cracks, you could be missing out on […]

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The 3 Best Real Estate Marketing Tools

real estate tools

The best real estate marketing tools aren’t always easy to find. And everyone seems to have a different opinion these days on which ones really are the cream of the crop. In this blog post we’re going to let you in on three tools which we believe are absolutely essential for every Agent and which […]

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New to Real Estate? 5 Great Ideas to Let People Know

Today’s blog post is by leading real estate sales coach, IXACT Contact partner, and author of “Sell with Soul,” Jennifer Allan-Hagedorn. Enjoy: Please, please, please! Can we do away, once and for all, with the dorky new agent announcement card, letter or whatever else that agents use to announce their exciting venture into real estate??!! […]

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